When attempting to print via OctoPrint on an Ender-3, an error may appear stating that the travel area exceeds the print volume, especially for G-code sliced in Cura:
Travel area exceeds print volume. Travel area in file.gcode exceeds the print volume of the currently selected printer profile, be careful when printing this.
Visit your Ender-3 printer profile in OctoPrint.
The print volume for the Ender-3 should be set to 220,220,250.
To address the error, we’ll check Custom bounding box and enter the Max values 235,235,250.
You should now be able to print your Cura G-Code files without error.
The issue arises from the following lines Cura adds to the end of your G-Code:
G90 ;Absolute positioning
G1 X0 Y235 ;Present print
These lines make it so the printer moves the nozzle to (0,235), positioning the print bed forward so you can easily access the finished print. Because the value 235 is out of our 220 Y range, the error occurs.
By increasing the X,Y of our custom bounding box to 235, we account for this final move.