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Vue.js Simplified - DevTools & Wrap-up (#15) - Discussion of Vue DevTools and resources to check out after completing this series.
Vue.js Simplified - Single File Components (#13) - In Vue.js, Single File Components allow us to organize together all the JavaScript, HTML, and CSS of a specific entity or component of an application into one file. Within the JavaScript, you will define all the Vue options (data, computed properties, methods, watchers, etc.) necessary for that component, and each component will be set up as its own Vue instance.
Vue.js Simplified - Vite Build System (#11) - Let’s take things up a notch by setting up a Vue project using the Vite build system. This will have several benefits including Hot Module Replacement, the ability to work with Vue SFC (Single File Components) and more.
Vue.js Simplified - Computed Properties & Watchers (#9) - In this guide we’ll learn about Vue’s Computed Properties which allow us to compose new data derived from other data. Additionally, we’ll learn about Watchers which allow us to define functions that watch for changes to existing data properties. Finally, we’ll discuss use cases for Computed Properties, Watchers, and Methods.
Vue.js Simplified - Attribute Binding (#7) - Dynamically set HTML attributes in Vue.js using the v-bind directive.
Vue.js Simplified - Conditional Rendering (#4) - Run through of Vue’s conditional rendering tools including v-if, v-else-if, v-else, and v-show.
Vue.js Simplified - The Basics (#2) - In Part 1 of this series, we learned what Vue.js is and why you’d want to use it. Now let’s start with a simple example that will allow us to sample some of Vue’s key features. Later in this series, we‘ll dig deeper into each feature so consider this a broad introduction to start.
Vue.js Simplified - Event Handling (#6) - Run through of event handling in Vue using the v-on directive. Covers inline handlers, method handlers, event arguments, modifiers, and shorthand syntax.