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Videos & Guides

Filter by: Show all Anaconda Apache Command Line Composer DaVinci Resolve Database Email Herd Laravel MariaDB MySQL Nginx PHP Photoshop PsychoPy Python SSH Server VSCode Vue.js YouTube API jsPsych
Migrate from Laragon to Laravel Herd - Steps for migrating a Laravel application and MySQL database from Laragon to Laravel Herd on Windows.
Laravel In a Nutshell - Eloquent Models & Seeding (#6) - Interact with database tables in Laravel using their Eloquent ORM (Object Relational Mapping) system.
Migrating Laravel site from XAMPP to Herd and DBngin - How to migrate an existing Laravel site and MySQL database from XAMPP to Herd and DBngin.
Sequel Ace - Connecting to a Forge managed databases - These are the settings you need to enter into Sequel Ace to connect to a MySQL / Maria database system on a Forge managed server.
Forge Under the Hood - Databases (MySQL / MariaDB) - In this guide, I’ll explain how to manage MariaDB/MySQL databases directly via MySQL command line instead of via the Forge interface. You can use this information when troubleshooting or if you decide to cancel your Forge subscription and manage your own servers.
MySQL Command Line - Database and User Creation - In this guide I show how to create a new database using the MySQL command line console. I also demonstrate creating a new user to manage this database and how to confirm a web application can connect to the database. Because MariaDB is operationally the same as MySQL, these instructions would work the same on systems running MariaDB.