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Videos & Guides

Filter by: Show all Anaconda Apache Command Line Composer DaVinci Resolve Database Email Herd Laravel MariaDB MySQL Nginx PHP Photoshop PsychoPy Python SSH Server VSCode Vue.js YouTube API jsPsych
Web Developers - How good are your backups? - A PSA for anyone who manages web servers or sites: not only should you have backups in place, you should make sure you understand how to use those backups if needed.
Run Laravel via a subdirectory on a Nginx server - Nginx site configs for running a Laravel application via a subdirectory, e.g. http://yourdomain.com/admin
Multiple Laravel apps on a single Apache server - Deploy unique Laravel applications on a single Apache server, accessed from separate domains.
8 development server options for Laravel - Summary of development server options for Laravel including: PHP's built-in server, Valet, Herd, Homestead, Docker, Sail, Laragon, XAMPP, MAMP, and WAMP.
Sequel Ace - Connecting to a Forge managed databases - These are the settings you need to enter into Sequel Ace to connect to a MySQL / Maria database system on a Forge managed server.
Forge Under the Hood - Databases (MySQL / MariaDB) - In this guide, I’ll explain how to manage MariaDB/MySQL databases directly via MySQL command line instead of via the Forge interface. You can use this information when troubleshooting or if you decide to cancel your Forge subscription and manage your own servers.
Forge Under the Hood - Daemons (Supervisor) - Forge uses the Supervisor process control system to manage and monitor daemons. Daemons are used to keep long-running scripts alive on your server. In this guide I‘ll break down how Forge is managing Supervisor on your servers. You can use this information when troubleshooting or if you decide to cancel your Forge subscription and manage your own servers.
Configuring a subdomain on a Nginx web server - How to set up a subdomain on a Ubuntu server running Nginx. Includes steps to set your DNS settings and configure the server to process the incoming subdomain traffic.
Laravel permissions for storage and bootstrap/cache (Apache or Nginx) - How to identify your web server user and set the correct permissions for Laravel’s storage and bootstrap/cache directories.
Deploy Laravel on Ubuntu Apache server - How to deploy a Laravel application to a Ubuntu server running Apache.
How to fix SSH WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! - Understanding and fixing a “SSH WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!” error when connecting to a remote server.
Upgrading to PHP 8.2 (Ubuntu with Nginx) - Upgrading PHP on an Ubuntu server running Nginx.
Common Laravel Installation Issues (500 Server Error) - Run through of five common system-level bugs that might be preventing your Laravel application from loading.
Creating a SSH key connection with a server - How to connect to a server using SSH key authentication which provides a more secure and convenient way of logging into a server versus using a password.
HTTPS / SSL via “Let’s Encrypt” on a Nginx Web Server - Learn how to configure HTTPS on a Nginx web server using a free certificate obtained from LetsEncrypt.org.
Configuring sites/URLs on an Apache web server - How to configure a new site/URL on an Apache web server. Includes steps on configuring your domain’s DNS and setting up an Apache VirtualHost.
Remote Development with VSCode (SSH) - Using VSCode’s Remote Development extension, you can do development work directly on a remote server. This offers a lot of benefits versus the traditional approach of running a development server on your own computer.