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Videos & Guides

Filter by: Show all Anaconda Apache Command Line Composer DaVinci Resolve Database Email Herd Laravel MariaDB MySQL Nginx PHP Photoshop PsychoPy Python SSH Server VSCode Vue.js YouTube API jsPsych
Migrate from Laragon to Laravel Herd - Steps for migrating a Laravel application and MySQL database from Laragon to Laravel Herd on Windows.
MySQL with Laravel Herd on Windows - Manually install and use MySQL in conjunction with Laravel Herd on Windows as an alternative to paying for Herd’s Pro features which includes MySQL.
Run Laravel via a subdirectory on an Apache server - Apache site configs for running a Laravel application via a subdirectory, e.g. http://yourdomain.com/admin.
Multiple Laravel apps on a single Nginx server - Deploy unique Laravel applications on a single Nginx server, accessed from separate domains.
New Laravel app on Laragon - How to set up and run Laravel applications with Laragon, an all-in-one server management program for Windows.
Send emails in Laravel without a Mailable class - How to send emails in Laravel without using a Mailable class. Includes details for raw plain text emails as well as HTML emails.
Generate PDFs in Laravel - Generate PDFs from View files in Laravel using the package laravel-dompdf
Laravel In a Nutshell - Conclusion (#9) - Series wrap-up and suggestions on what you should do next as you continue your path to learn Laravel.
Laravel In a Nutshell - Eloquent & Collections (#7) - More examples of working with Eloquent and coverage of Laravel’s Collection data type.
Laravel In a Nutshell - Database & Migrations (#5) - Set up a MySQL database and create tables for our demo application using Migrations.
Laravel In a Nutshell - Controllers (#3) - What are Controllers, how to create them, and how to invoke their methods from our Routes.
Laravel In a Nutshell - Intro & Installation (#1) - In this series I’ll provide a broad overview of working with Laravel. In Part 1 we’ll start off with installation.
Migrating Laravel site from XAMPP to Herd and DBngin - How to migrate an existing Laravel site and MySQL database from XAMPP to Herd and DBngin.
Deploying Laravel - MySQL / MariaDB database setup (Ubuntu) - As a follow-up to my guides on setting up Laravel on an Ubuntu server, this guide covers creating and configuring your MySQL (or Maria) database.
Laravel fix for 419 Page Expired - CSRF Tokens - If you submit a form in a Laravel application via POST and see the error 419 Page Expired, it’s typically because there was a CSRF token mismatch. This guide shows you how to fix this error and explains the role of a CSRF token.
Deploy Laravel on Ubuntu Apache server - How to deploy a Laravel application to a Ubuntu server running Apache.
Common Laravel Installation Issues (500 Server Error) - Run through of five common system-level bugs that might be preventing your Laravel application from loading.
Local email testing in Laravel - Four approaches to handling emails in a Laravel development context: logging, MailHog, MailTrap, and routing all outgoing messages to an email of your choosing.